Accessibility Tools

Santana City Council

  • Address: Município de Santana Avenida 25 de maio, nº2 Sítio do Serrado, 9230-116 Santana-Madeira, PORTUGAL
  • Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • GAP - Presidency Support Office Telephone: 291 570 200

Santana Tourist Office

  • Telephone - +351 291 575 161
  • E-mail: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Opening Hours - Monday: 14h00 às 16h30 | Tuesday to Friday: 09h30 - 16h00 | Saturday and Holidays:09h00 às 13h00 | HELPDESK: +351 966 765 802 |+351 966 765 718 - Every day of 09h00 às 20h00 Interruption: Sunday || January 1st, Easter Sunday, December 25th and 26th

Santana Cable Car (Rocha do Navio)

  • Address - Estrada da Rocha do Navio, Sítio da Parlatório - 9230-105 Santana
  • Telephone - (+351) 291 575 292
  • Opening Hour - Monday to Friday- 09h00-13h00/14h00-17h00; Weekend - 09h00-13h00/14h00-18h00