Places of Interest
The mother church, built in 1761, is considered the ex-libris of the municipality baroque architectural heritage, and also the biggest baroque church in the island. Besides it’s sumptuous appearance, in its interior there’s a gilded high altar, and a fine set of paintings. The church is, since 1995 classified as Monument of Local Value by the DRAC – Direção Regional de Assuntos Culturais (Regional Bureau for Cultural Affairs).
The mother church of São Jorge
In São Jorge’s “Calhau” there’s the primitive nucleus (Núcleo Primitivo). These ruins were part of old the sugar canemills. We can point out the entrance portal as one of the most significant. This Nucleus is, since 2003 classified as Monument of Municipal Interest.
The entrance portal at the primitive nucleus
In the locality of “Achadinha” there’s a water mill ( Moinho de Água) and a “Serra de Água”, which illustrated the way the locals used water as a motive power in their everyday live and sustainability. “Serragem da Achadinha” is, since 1995 classified as Monument of Local Value by DRAC.
Water mill
Worth mentioning and take a look, is also the São Jorge’s lighthouse, located in “Sítio da Vígia”.
Lighthouse view from Vigia viewpoint
The Viewpoint of Pico provides you with a panoramic view over two parishes - São Jorge and Santana. Other viewpoints worth paying a visit are also “Vigia”, “Boca das Voltas” and “Cabo Aéreo” viewpoints, among others.
View of São Jorge from the viewpoint of Pico.